Chanelled text om conscious relationships

Yesterday I stumbled upon a good quotation about relationships in current times. Something along these lines:
“In these End Times, this time of Revelation (Apocalypse in Greek), it is no longer possible to have normal romantic relationships, only Conscious Healing Partnerships. Because the revelation means that what is hidden is coming to surface, all of one’s dark stuff in the Unconscious, Subconscious and SuperConscious is becoming Conscious. But consciousness cures and the truth will set you free.”

So what does it mean?
Many of us have experienced intensifying of discomfort in our relationships over the last couple of years. Both in intimate relationships as well as with family and friends. It is as if the orchestra that used to play so well together is suddenly falling apart and the sweet music is getting increasingly dissonant.

Friends that you have known most of your life suddenly don´t match you vibrationally anymore. Your once pleasant conversations are becoming non-conversations. You experience increasing tension and alienation from your family members. Their world view does not match yours anymore and you start feeling like a stranger in once familiar surroundings. People around you seem to change personality lately – and you do, too.

Intimate relationships are perhaps most affected. Especially if you have been working on your self development for some time. Because you are changing. Oh, yes. You are changing big time. And you can feel it. You are shifting and refining your vibration. You are removing layers of old heavy energy, fear and sadness, non-productive beliefs, lack of self love, lack of healthy boundaries, lack of vision for your life… you name it. Which has been a part of your subconscious Shadow all your life. Of your Inner Darkness. Your subconscious invisible self. But now all of that is being remodeled and removed, like an intense spring cleaning in your home.

In this situation, it takes a lot of strength, presence and courage to admit to yourself what this really is. That this is your Inner Darkness coming to light to be seen, healed and acknowledged. Transformed and transmuted.

Because we live in the times of Revelation, when all darkness will be made visible in order to be transformed and healed. Remember that.

And as you know, not all friends and partners are willing and able to go through these shifts and transmutations together with you. Not all people have the same ability or wish to explore and transmute their Inner Darkness in the same way. Some will stay together with us, some will leave our side. Either way is perfect – even though the letting go is usually painful.

Some partners prefer to stay on the same vibratory level as before, while your vibration is rising. What happens then? At some point the differences become too large and the relationship can not survive anymore. One partner in the relationship feels suffocated and has to move on. Either in a peaceful and friendly way, or with a loud banging of the door. In this case it is essential to understand that the ending of the relationship is actually for the common good of both partners. That they both need their personal space to grow and develop in the best possible way. If this happens, try to exit in a peaceful and friendly way and bless the relationship for what it has been and what it has given you throughout its duration.  It was probably pleasant and useful for you at one point, but now it has outgrown its purpose and you are ready to peacefully move on. That is a sign of spiritual maturity.

If your partner is on it own healing journey in relation to his/her Dark Self, and engages in this process (consciously or unconsciously), your common journey is probably not going to be smooth sailing. When both partners Inner Darkness and subconscious shadow show their ugly head, things often end up in displays of anger, accusations, hurt, jealousy, misunderstandings, broken heart and all the rest. Both partners are unconsciously trying to heal and deal with their inner pain, projecting their shadow onto the other. If one of both partners are unwilling to face and acknowledge their Dark Self, the situation becomes stuck and unbearable. Not a pleasant scenario.

Remember, Revelation times are energetically not created for smooth sailing, romantics and “they lived happily together until the end of their days”. Nope. If you are in a relationship where both parts are transforming and healing their Inner Darkness (as many people currently do, due to the extreme vibrational rise in this period), expect to be tossed around like a ship at a stormy sea.

Yet there is also another possibility: Conscious Healing Partnerships. Meeting both partners´ Dark Self with the light of compassion – and demanding that it be effectively healed.

This choice requires great strength, vulnerability and sincerity. On both sides. You will still be tossed around in the stormy sea and brought into impossible situations. But here you will consciously make different choices. To bring light and conscious presence to all aspects of the relationship. Allowing both partners´ Inner Darkness to be seen, experienced, felt and heard. Yet not tolerated in the long run, because it gets destructive. But effectively healed. It involves active transformation and transmutation of pain and suffering in the mutual light of firm and compassionate presence. There is no place for big egos here. No. You learn to be small again and take it from scratch. It is really not so much about joy and fun, but more polishing the beautiful diamonds that you and your partner are. Allowing for individual growth. Allowing yourself not to always be right and in control. Joy and fun will then follow organically.

Not many couples are currently able to work on this level, as this dynamics requires quite a degree of spiritual maturity. and previous inner cleansing work. But the numbers are slowly rising. In the years to come, when our collective vibration rises, Conscious Healing Partnerships will become a predominant way to be together with other humans. They open up an avenue for collective healing of humanity.

But remember, it takes two to tango. If your partner is not ready for this kind of developmental relationship, you might have to tango alone for a while. While developing the skills necessary to engage in a Conscious Healing Partnerships when the right opportunity arises.

Remember, there is nothing finite in life – and change is the only constant.

And life is just a continuous ecstatic dance of light and shadows in this Earth caleidoscope, where nothing lasts forever. 

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