Time to decide

If you want to understand the light side of the equasion in our current times, you need to understand the dark side of it, too. Because this is not only about love and light. Far from that.

There is a flip side of the coin. And you need to be aware of it in order to fully appreciate what is truly going on behind the scenes. In fact, this is not even happening behind the scenes anymore. These days it is more like right in your face. And now it is fully up to you to make a choice.

And you´d better be ready. The clock is ticking. Fast.

There is a war going on out there. A war for the human soul. A war for the human bodies. Human I as opposed to Human II.

This war is waged on the ground, through our body. Through our physicality. Through our minds. It is waged through our societal programming showing us things and scenes we are supposed to accept as the new normal. There is nothing normal about it, though. It is waged through subtle mind programming we do not even perceive. It is waged through food and drinks influencing and blocking our consciousness. Again, presented as normal. There is nothing normal about them, thought. Our body was not designed to ingest those substances.

It is waged through our hand-held devices which are making themselves indispensable in our everyday life. It is waged through the modern house altars in our living rooms giving us distorted, sick and disempowering visions of reality. Through violent content which is supposed to desensitize us to who we truly are – loving infinite beings. Teaching us to kill, maim and not care about others. All the way from early childhood. We are being effectively programmed not to see, not to hear, not to care. To effectively disassociate.

It is waged through things being injected and inserted into us, fed into us, fed into our minds and senses, minute things we breathe and ingest without our informed consent. Through constant frequency influences from non-physical spheres. Without our asking for this. And so much more.

There are a multitude of dark portals in our physical world masquerading as everyday things. Usually as technology. Smart technology. However, it is just a part of the equasion. These things do have a different purpose. Enslavement of the soul and our species.

You might think this is about money. Gaining wealth.
It is not.

You might think this is about control.
To a degree, yes, but that is not the full story.

You might think this is due to sheer stupidity. Lack of information.
No, it is not.

It is about your soul. That is what is at stake.

Right now, in our polarised world, there are forces of light and darkness battling side by side in order to gain supremacy and pull most souls to their side.

Your soul is the ultimate currency in this physical reality. And beyond. It contains your human potential, your life force. It functions like petrol for the car, seen from the energetic perspective. This energy is very real, tangible and edible. Humans are not on top of the food chain.

Children´s souls are especially bright and clean, full of energetic fuel, therefore the hardest battles at the moment revolve around them. They are under total attack and need most protection. Since their own power of spiritual discernment is only developing. We need to do it for them.

As the realities of the Old and the New Earth increasingly drift away from each other, there is little time left to jump ship and change trajectory. The gap making it possible at all will be closing very soon. For many of you, in 2025 or latest 2026.

In these times you cannot remain undecided anymore. The energy pressure is intensifying to at degree where your current choices – or lack of choice – will define which version of the Earth you will experience in the nearest future. You cannot remain undecided. These times are over. The different versions of Earths are drifting away from each other now with a lot of speed. If you avoid making a conscious choice, you miss the opportunity to aim for the highest possible version of Earth for you. The choice will be made for you by others and it will not necessarily be a pleasant experience.

We are all being asked to make a choice. Right here, right now. The time of being indecisive is over.

Yes, you too.

Whose side are you on?

Which changes are you willing to create in your life?

Which Earth do you want to end up on?

Consciousness is rising and the time is now. The waiting is over.

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Time to decide

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