Mushrooms and Miracles


I have always loved autumn. There is something magical and fragile about yellow leaves in the air, puffed by the wind. On their way down to the rich, wet grass carpet on the forest floor.

This autumn is no exception. Walking in the forest always calms me down and brings me balance. Into silent contact with nature. Soothes my overactive mental disposition. Every time I walk in the woods in the autumn, I feel quiet joy. Inner expansion.


The other day was no exception. That joy of walking alone in the woods on a slightly rainy October afternoon. Mixed with rays of sun now and then. And then… magic on the forest floor. Mushrooms.  All those mushrooms! I couldn´t believe my eyes.

For the first time in many years, this year the woods abounded with mushrooms of all kinds. White, beige, yellow, red, brown, of all shapes and forms. I was exalted. Never in my life have I seen so many mushrooms scattered all over the place. Both edible and inedible. Showing themselves willingly as I passed by.

It felt like magic. Nature was showing its generosity in its purest form.


For me, mushrooms are tiny little miracles. They make my heart skip a beat when I see them. If you have ever spent a whole afternoon walking around the woods and searching for mushrooms for dinner, only to come home with a single one in your basket, you have probably experienced the feeling of joy and elation when you finally spot that single edible mushroom hiding somewhere under a thick layer of autumn leaves.

You pick it up very carefully with your knife, making sure you don´t destroy it in the process. Because you never know when, or if, you will find another one. Spotting that single mushroom has always felt like a miracle to me.


So what do mushrooms have in common with miracles?

They seem to appear in your sight when you least expect them. Out of nowhere. Suddenly, you see them close to you. Yet sometimes they are not easy to see. They love to hide under a thick layer of leaves and you need to look very carefully to spot them there. And then you have to take a careful look in order to recognize them. Miracles are often like that. They appear in your life out of nowhere, when you least expect it.

You can´t predict when they are going to happen. And when they do, you still need to recognize them as such and accept them as miracles in your life. Which is sometimes a bit hard. Since we are all programmed not to believe in miracles. Or that miracles are not possible for us.


But they are. Just like mushrooms on a rainy day. When you least expect it, or when you most need it, a miracle might pop into your life. So just allow this divine synchronicity and timing to unfold. Allow that miracle into your reality. Don´t disbelieve it.  Yeah, it is right here for you. Just you.

Because you need it and deserve it. Just like that beautiful mushroom on the forest floor. It is there only for you. When you allow the possibility of miracles into your reality, life gets better and better as time goes by. So do yourself a favor. Let yourself receive with enjoyment. Mushrooms and miracles will always be there for you. If you dare to believe and receive.

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Mushrooms and Miracles

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