Spiritual Resilience

I was just talking to a friend about the difficult times we are facing collectively and how each of us reacts differently to the same challenges. Some people get fearful and depressed when faced with tough times and economic crisis, while others get even more active, kick back and become even more resilient. I am probably one of the latter. Personally, I often thrive the going gets rough because I love a good challenge 😇
This brings me to the concept of life force and the universal energy field, from which everything emanates.
You might think that life force is a very abstract topic, right? What is it, anyway? Something that can be measured and weighed?
Well, actually, it can be captured by Kirlian photography. The life force of a plant or a leaf can be clearly seen on Kirlian photos as light radiates from the leaf. The same light, or life force, can be seen radiating around persons being photographed in the same manner.
Life force is an incredibly fascinating subject. It emanates from the universal energy field, which is incredibly intelligent. It is sacred and omnipresent. The field permeates everything and keeps everything moving and alive. Universes, galaxies, flowers, animals, seemingly inanimate objects and you. Yes, you 😍Without the Field, you and I would not be here.
Remember Yoda´s definition of the Force in Star Wars? Every living being possessed a life force. Every living thing has a pre-programmed information field or matrix, that defines its identity and potential for growth. A tree knows how to grow new branches. You also have an innate potential inside of you, drawing information and instructions from the universal energy field.
When our life force has fulfilled its purpose here in this reality, it is free to leave and take up another form in a different dimension. But the life force itself never dies. It just gets transformed into a different potential. That´s the beauty and intricacy of the process.
When I work with clients, I often get information about the amount of life force present in their bodies, available for healing. The more life force present, the quicker and easier the recovery.
Perhaps the easiest way to observe the life force of things in everyday life is by reusing kitchen scraps. Like chunks of carrots or other vegetables. I often do that and then plant them in my garden, hoping to get the tops to grow again. And even after many weeks of laying forgotten at the bottom of my fridge, all those carrots needed was a bit of light and moisture and here we go – they produce tiny fresh leaves on top! A new growth cycle begins!
Plants can often do it and regrow themselves even when the rest of the plant is used up and there is a tiny bit left. This is why eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables replenishes the life force inside your cells. Because the life force in fruits and veggies is still pretty much intact.
So when you are down, in survival mode, and worried about life´s stresses in current times, focusing on reconnecting with the universal energy field and your own individual life force can help you see the bigger picture and ease your mind. There are always different solutions. There are always several paths you can take. There is always something larger, more intelligent, and infinitely loving behind the manifested physical Universe, and that something – call it God, Creator, the Force, or whatever you like – has a plan and potential for you and your growth. Just like it has for carrots and everything else around you. And if you just know how to connect with it, it will take care of you and supply your life force for as long as needed. No questions asked. Because you are a part of it.
So remember to reconnect with the source of life once in a while and you will become resilient like a carrot regrowing the top over and over again
Yes, – using your life force, it is always possible to grow new leaves

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Spiritual Resilience

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